Now is not
the time
Now is not
the time
Now is not
the time to commit sociology
Now is not
the time to talk about gun control
Now is not
the time to buy super bowl XLVII tickets
Now is not
the time for reckless opportunistic experiments
Now is not
the time to give money to Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood
Now is not
the time to ship Canadian beef south to the United States
Now is not
the time to discuss the 'political aftermath’ especially when your
theories are ludicrous
Now is not
the time
Now is not
the time
Now is not
the time for clichés
Now is not
the time for subtlety
Now is not
the time to give up on me
Now is not
the time for dick measuring
Now is not
the time to wonder why you do it
Now is not
the time to go down memory lane
Now is not
the time to talk yourself out of your goals and dreams
Now is not
the time for fear. That will come later.
now is not
the time…now is not the time…now is not the time…
Now is not the time