Wednesday 4 December 2019

Radicalized Ideologue

I’m a retired Social Studies teacher, a third generation public school teacher who lives in a modest house in a modest neighbourhood in a modest town. I go on modest holidays in my modest trailer. I’ve been married to the same man for almost 35 years- together we raised three kids who went to public school and public university  and now live their own lives. I belong to a book club, pay my taxes, shovel my walk, clean up after my dogs, donate to charity and volunteer. 

I have never thought of myself as a radical.

In fact, I’m so normal, I bore myself.

And speaking of normal, our banker once told us that loans officers love to see teachers come in. Especially teachers married to other teachers. Why? Because they are so reliable. So predictable. So careful with their money. They never default on loans. 

Teachers tend to be conventional. One might even say that most teachers' careers are all about promoting and maintaining the status quo. Sure, we try to raise up those who are struggling or marginalized. But we are just raising them up far enough to enjoy the status quo themselves. We might try to change one kid's world but we aren't trying to change the whole world.

But now Alberta's teachers are being told we are radicalized ideologues who are trying to indoctrinate students.




If believing kids should be treated equitably makes me a radical; if trying to teach them to think for themselves makes me a radical; if believing society should be a place where everyone belongs makes me a radical; if teaching kids to care about the land makes me a radical; if getting kids to think about the trade offs between prosperity and environmental protection makes me a radical?

Then yes my friends. 

I am not normal.

I am radical as fuck. 

And I make no apologies for that.


  1. I love this, Nicola! Thanks for sharing your perspective and being in this fight with us!

  2. Well done Nicola, ty for this, ciao


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